We use Practiscore for match registration and match score reporting. To register for one of our matches, go to Practiscore.com.
Matches are generally posted seven days before a match. While they may show in the search they will not be open for registration until the week before the match.
Divisions are based on your firearm(s) for all our competitions. You can find a detailed break down of divisions in the rules for USPSA matches, Steel Challenge, and UML. If you have additional questions please go to our contact page and contact one of our Match Directors.
If you are new to the sport register as U or unclassified. If you have been previously classified but your national membership has expired register as X.
Categories are pretty straightforward and selecting a category is optional. Senior is 55-65, Super Senior 65+, Junior under 18, Law Enforcement and Military are for active duty personnel.
Start times vary, but generally, matches start at 9:00 AM during the winter months and at 8:00 AM during the summer. Details can be found in the match registration on Practiscore. Check-in is open one hour before match start time. New shooter orientation starts a half hour before match start time.
General range rules can be found on the Big Salty Range website. Rules specific to each sport can be found for USPSA matches, Steel Challenge, Rimfire Challenge, and UML.